Reminiscing VII… the Remix #1

The Musings of a Blerd
6 min readMay 25, 2023


Westside Eastside: 7 Favorite Films That Showcase the Big Apple and the City of Angels

For the post, we’re going to reminiscence and Remix two old posts while visiting the two fantastic cities: Welcome to L.A.: 7 Films Highlighting The City of Angels & An Empire State of Mind: 8 Films That Show the Big Apple Love

Los Angeles’ heart and soul can be seen in the many films set in the city. The same can be said of the Big Apple, so here are 7 favorite films that in my opinion showcase the various, diverse aspects of the City of Angels and the City that Never Sleeps.

  1. Rush Hour (1998) & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

This film shows love for the city right away as it opens with a beautiful shot of the World Trade Center buildings that are no longer with us; their presence remains in our hearts. Shots of the subway system and New York’s notorious sewers are in abundance, in addition to the scenes of dark alleyways and street corners since most of the film’s story takes place at night.

Rush Hour is a buddy cop action comedy that gives viewers insight into Los Angeles from the perspectives of both an Angeleno and a tourist. Watching Jackie Chan become familiar with the city when he escapes from Carter’s (Chris Tucker) custody multiple times is great, and later when Carter gives him a personal tour after they team up, the touristy areas of L.A. get their time in the spotlight.

2. Drive (2011) & West Side Story (1961)

One of my favorite Ryan Gosling films, this movie showcases the city at night with Gosling at the helm cruising through the streets of downtown L.A. With an epic soundtrack backing the nightly beautiful and gritty scenes that harken back to the films of the 80's.

A classic take on Romeo and Juliet, this film captures the energy and vibrancy of the city with its multiple dance numbers and songs. It also gives viewers an insight into the immigrant experience.

3. Collateral (2004) & The Godfather (1972)

In this film, Jamie Foxx plays cab driver Max who becomes the hostage of his fare Vincent, (played by Tom Cruise) a contract killer. This crime thriller captures the scope and depth of the city in a way that other films haven’t. Collateral showcases L.A. at night and with director Michael Mann highlights the city’s evening visuals with his use of the Viper FilmStream High-Definition Camera a first for a major motion picture.

The Godfather is one of the many mafia themed films in cinema history, but this one is particularly iconic. Throughout the film, there are few exterior shots, as the majority of the scenes are filmed in personal spaces. The intimate moments between the characters introduce an older New York on a personal level.

4. Training Day (2001) & 16 Blocks (2006)

The portrayal of the veteran corrupt cop (played by Denzel Washington who won an Oscar for his performance) whose showing the rookie (played by Ethan Hawke) the ropes in South Central L.A., highlights the distrust many citizens of Los Angeles feel toward the LAPD.

16 Blocks also showcases the corruption of cops on this time on the East coast. Bruce Willis plays a burnt out N.Y.P.D. detective who is tasked with escorting a witness (Mos Def) 16 blocks to the courthouse. What begins as a simple errand turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse as they’re chased by dirty cops determined to make the witness disappear. This film shows the daily coming and goings of New Yorkers, block by block. We see the diversity of the city dwellers, and the heroic — or villainous — actions made by members of the N.Y.P.D. There’s a message running throughout the film about how people can change, and in a way, that also applies to the city itself.

5. Clueless (1995) & Godzilla (1998)

A favorite 90s film of mine, this modern-day adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma depicts the stereotypical “valley girl” in all of her glory. Shotouts to the City of Angels included the showcasing of mall culture at the Westside Pavilion, as well as the Los Angeles freeway in the driver’s ed scene.

Listen, I know this isn’t a fan favorite but I love this film! It also showcases New York in its own colorful way. We get shots of some of the city’s landmarks being destroyed or scarred by the Godzilla wannabe. There’s also humor, romance and action and that’s part of the New York way of life.

6. Die Hard (1988) & Men in Black (1997)

A must-watch every Christmas, this action hero film starring Bruce Willis as the now legendary John McClane, highlights Los Angeles’ media culture. The building where all the action takes place, Fox Plaza, has been featured in at least four major motion pictures released by Fox.

New York is a city known for its strange tales and myths, and the fact that this film’s premise features aliens living among the human population unbeknownst to the earthlings makes sense. Watching Agent K and Agent J stop at a magazine stand to scan through the tabloids, because they were a verifiable source of information in finding the alien bug, captures that always mysterious aspect of the city. In addition, there’s a shot of the World Trade Center, and the observation towers of the New York State Pavilion at Flushing Meadows make an appearance, too.

7. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

The city of Los Angeles is annihilated in a nuclear attack by Skynet, while landmarks such as the cement waterway of the L.A. River, and the Elysian Park are also featured in the film. While that’s playing out on the West coast, the East coast gets post-apocalyptic with I Am Legend. This sci-fi horror film depicts New York City in a futuristic, post-apocalyptic state. Watching Will Smith make his daily rounds through a deserted Manhattan, or waiting during midday at the South Street Seaport really let’s you see the emptiness of the once much too busy city, and the loneliness of Smith’s character is profound.

And that’s my list. What are your 7 favorite L.A. and NYC films? List them below and thanks for reading!

Originally published at on May 25, 2023.

